Wednesday, June 22, 2011


assalamualaikum readers!:)

hari nie cik put nk brckp tntg pnyakit yg cik put hidapi slama ni.jgn risau,cik put stakat ni sehat je lg,haha.tade ap nk dirisaukan.

pernah dgr perkataan philophobia?

nashrin ckp philophobia tu fobia cinta,haha

wikipedia kata pulak 
(sila lihat bawah,trimas)

Philophobia is the fear of being in love and falling in love. The risk is more acute, when a person has confronted any emotional turmoil relating to love in the past.[1][2]
Philophobia is defined as the abnormal, persistent and unwarranted fear of falling in love. This affects the quality of life and pushes a person away from commitment. It also triggers various symptoms that may incorporate sweating, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, feelings of dread, nausea and feeling of restlessness. The worst aspect of fear of being in love and falling in love is that it keeps a person in solitude.
haha,dh fhm kn ak saket ap?
haha,bnyk sbb knape ak takut nk jatuh cinta.slh satunye of course la sbb ak takut relationship ak end up mcm sblum2 ni.second,sbb ak ni spesis naif bengap sket,sng je kene tipu,huhu.actually bnyk la sume ni mula sjk ak clash ngan jeff dulu.ak dh serik nk jatuh cinta lg.and ak takut klau ad org yg cuba nk usik hati ak.tlg la jgn..nk pun laen kali je la.not now.ak takut,sgt takut.tgk x gmbar atas tu?haa,cinta boleh bagi org jd buta.ak takut klau ak dh angau ak ta nmpak keadaan skeliling je.ak takut ak abaikn family ak,kwn2 ak,plajaran ak.
ak tak jatuh cinta sbb sukasuki je nk couple time2 skola mcm ni.ak nak kalau ak dh jatuh cinta,bia ak dgn org tu kekal.ak just takut klau ad org yg curi haty ak time ak blaja agy.kirenye ak ni bkn la acute philophobia,tp temporary philophobia,haha.habes je spm,come on..takluk la hati ak ni,ak dh ready..but skrg ni,ad someone yg dh curi haty ak!haree jadee sungguh la, kan,ak x mrh dy pun,haha.btul la cik put dh gila skrg ni,haish..=='
tp,apa2 pun,ak nk focus study dulu.amik 12 subjek kot,gile kau x pecah kpale,huhu.psl cinta2 nih...abaikn dulu la.doaknlah ak tak jd gila lps hati ak dh kene curi nih,huhu.i want him,but not now,haha.sbb ak un tatau sama ad ak ni tepuk sblh tgn ke ap la lg satu sbb ak tanak jatuh cinta...sbb ak tanak cekiwa dgn mainan perasaan sdiri.:')..anyway,ak mmg dh gila.sbb skrg ni ak dh pndai update post jiwang,HAHAHAmpeh..=='

thanks for reading peeps,iloveyou.:)

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